Sunday, August 1, 2010

my first pictures of the uk

here is my first image of the UK as I sit on the train to Norwich.Out the window is a field of wheat already to be harvested So many hours to get here but once you touch down it all seems not nearly so far...The Friday that I arrived was a heat wave of about 30 degrees and everyone was flagging in the heat although I still had a couple of layers on.It was so lovely to see my little sis and give her a real life hug and no more virtual world kisses.I have also been to the hospital and given a big hug to Richard from the land of Oz. It is so wonderful to be near them and for me to find my role as the mothering type here as well.
As Jo visits the hospital I have stayed home and cooked and knitted and read (Girl with the Dragon Tatoo)
Roxi is also here from the land of OZ . It is an amazing thing to be here in Summer and it is a concept the Brits find hard to realise... that its ...Winter in Australia.....

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