Thursday, November 6, 2008

there was an old house

These photos are really in the wrong place ....... the story starts about five or six pictures down!!!!!
All of the photos are a bit haywire:
this one is inside the house as the lining has been taken off and the weather boards as well. A new window will be in this end wall as well.There is pressed tin on the ceiling and that will take a bit of hunting to find more to replace some that is damaged.
This is the view to the east of the house looking out across the paddocks to the old railway line and beyond that the hills of Healesville.
This is the only image of the mural I can find not the best, but maybe you can get an idea

This is the house before any work was done.

The house has been re stumped and the rabbit holes and wombat holes have been filled in under the floor.The plan is to also extend the verandah out further by about three feet.What a lovely place to sit on a warm summer evening.

There was once an old house way out in Yarraglen, It once belonged to the Boyd family(in about 1910). It now belongs to a rich lady who wants to use it as a holiday house.

The house was lived in for a while by Arthur Boyd's grandparents.

Adam is helping to do renovations to the building,probably till Christmas.

On one wall there is a mural which we have found out was painted by Minnie Boyd,Arthur's grandmother. The story goes that she was a bit of a crazy religious lady and kept painting sunsets and seasonal pictures on all the walls ,with bible quotes and as this was not too well accepted by the husband he would paint over them.

There is one wall ,high above the picture rail that has one remaining mural. It is very hard to photograph. I have tried and I am still waiting for a good photo to emerge

I have been out to the house and I had fun exploring in the out buildings.The property also backs onto the high reaches of the Yarra river . The property was bought for one million dollars there is eighty acres of land and maybe you never know the new owner might need a tenant or a manager !!!!!

This amazing tree sits just outside the front door. It has been valued at $30,000.00 as it is an amazing example of a weeping elm (and we all know about their life prospects).It has an amazing shape, almost Japanese.A bit like a giant version of a bonsai.
There are the loveliest outbuildings to explore. I had fun thinking of the people that had lived and worked there.

Apparently the people sold because there was just too much money and labour involved in maintaining the property....Good luck to the new owners.

The house was built in the early 1900's so not quite a period house but still well worth the visit.


JoeyJoJo said...

WOW. Thomsey. It's amazing. It's like a bigger version of your place.
The elm tree is amazing too. You'd have to go to Kew gardens to find one like that here. Maybe not even there any more.
I love the photos and the mural is really well done. I wish the others could be unearthed. Maybe you should contact Jason to see if Heidi is interested?

JoeyJoJo said...

P.S. I LOVE the new profile picture of you up a ladder. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx