Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Is it Spring yet

spring is in the air and it is still only August.We have had warmer days and so the blossom is out and the wattle is flowering. the warmth just makes you want to be outside and so I have....

the new chook yard is calling and so I have been pruning branches,chopping rogue elms,digging in the dirt,moving rolls of wire,cleaning out the old ticket box which is where the chickens will sleep,and planning how big to make the yard.( also keeping up with my other jobs so I have a bad case of sore tendons in the elbow from too much chopping and pruning )Then the fun part of deciding which breed of chooks.
Leonie and Massey have beautiful spangled Hamburgs which would be great and also I would like some Isa Browns which are such docile birds and great layers...also toying with the idea of Guinea Fowls, which Lena is not too sure of she thinks they are ugly and noisy.. I think that you need to have chickens in the yard to please the eye and the soul. something to while away the spring and summer days as long as we can keep Mr Fox away...lets keep our fingers crossed..

1 comment:

JoeyJoJo said...

Seems like it is Spring. Hatchlings are just the thing. Hatchlings in a box surrounded by daffodils. I like an Isa Brown myself.